Current SimVSM Releasenotes

Here you will find all current release notes.

Current SimVSM Releasenotes

Here you will find all current release notes.

Current SimVSM release notes

Here you will find all current release notes. You can also find them in the SimVSM help section.

  • New parameter indicator for required base products
  • More compact display and simplified input of time parameters
  • Further improvements and bug fixes
  • When deleting a product name, show where the product is used
  • When deleting a shift calendar, show where it is still in use
  • Add background image to the modeling area
  • Further improvements and bug fixes
  • Extension of the menu bar in modeling to hide objects and links
  • Display of the simulation button in orange for errors during the simulation
  • Additional improvements and bug fixes
  • Conversion of selected parameters from decimal to integer (Details can be found here)
  • Improved adding of images to value stream items
  • Additional improvements and fixes
  • Classification of toolbox items into groups
  • New toolbox items: Drain & Inventory (Push)
  • Checks for valid process constellations (order control and/or pull inventory or material flow push predecessor)
  • Extension to bottle neck note object
  • Additional improvements and fixes
  • Simpler parametrizing of products using a table view
  • Comparing and reverting of parameter values to main alternative
  • Displaying of workers and capacity for process items in the diagram
  • Menu entry in modelling view for switching between parameter display modes
  • Additional improvements and fixes
  • New static formulas:
    • All processes: Process time (PT), Setup time (ST), Scrap rate / rework rate (SR/RR) and Operating time (OT)
    • Process (multiple): Cycle time for individual station within the process (CT [S])
    • Customer: Tact time depending on operating time (TT [OT]) and Daily demand (DD)
  • Display of total lead time in lead time chart summary box
  • New VSM item ‘Supplier (Push)’
  • More color options for text nodes
  • Important Features:
    • Product structure visualization (based on Value Stream Definition)
    • Disassembly object
    • [Simulation,  Process_Multiple] Cycle/Tact time per Product is applied per single station of a Process_Multiple
    • Integration of pictures of objects into the modelling area
  • Features:
    • Easier creation of products within sidemenu of objects
    • Check for modelling errors before simulation trigger
    • Integration Russian language
    • Allow copying objects between alternatives
    • Export simulation results as Powerpoint file
    • Clearer naming of floating license handling
    • Adjustment of positioning of toolbox
    • [Simulation] dynamic assignment of backend simulation model per frontend [api] version
    • Project options – simulation end limited from selected simulation start
    • Color definition of text element with grid selection (color boxes instead of list)
  • Visualization of faulty product transition check (product output = product input in successor, incl. description for which product).
  • Copy with Ctrl+C/V of toolbox objects between alternatives within a project
  • Enhancement of product selection handling drop-down lists:
    • Filter product selection in drop-down by text input 
    • Alphabetical sorting of product names in drop-down lists 
    • Facilitate creation of new products (unknown product can be created after input on focus change) 
  • Save and load last opened alternative 
  • Editing of edge anchor points 
  • Continuous recording of cycle times with the stopwatch for time parameters 
  • Import of images to Toolbox objects from files 
  • Show preview for edge layout in link editor 
  • Clarification of click element for table parameters in parameter box 
  • Swimlane mode for timeline of modelling:
    • Manual parameterization of layer width for timeline of modelling with multiple layers 
    • Swimlane layers only for objects for which timeline of modelling is built 
    • Simlane layers with color iteration for assignment to timeline of modelling 
  • Zoom of parameter indicators analogous to icons 
  • Extension of paper print format for integrated PDF printer up to DIN A0 
  • New menu logo for value stream 4.0 / information flow dialog 
  • Show upload date incl. time in server project list 
  • Performance improvement of project view listings (both local and server projects) 
  • Value stream mapping 4.0
  • Display indicator at blocks to point out conspicuous parameter values
  • Search object name + show location
  • Enhancement of menu bar in modeling with zoom functionality
  • Add print function for result view
  • Enable duplication of projects
  • Static key figures: Automatically convert times to appropriate format
  • Enable input of times for parameters in seconds and convert automatically
  • Save new products with valid data directly in parameter sidebar instead of creating them explicitly
  • Functionality to influence size of value stream symbols
  • Enable direct saving as PDF in the desktop app
  • Texts should be able to be backed with a background color
  • Extend text object by frame width and frame color
  • Extend text object by the input of a link
  • Note attribute for edges
  • Make number of decimal places configurable for static key figures
  • Allow direct printing from print preview
  • Option to automatically determine width for PDF export
  • Guided dragging – modeling layer
  • Show time of last save in project view
  • Show the last logged in user in the LogIn screen when opening SimVSM
  • Integration of Italian
  • Internal transport – integration new icon manual transport
  • Insert duplicated alternative directly below the original alternative
  • Better recognition of function “Adjusting width of parameter boxes ” 
  • Extension/adjustment note elements
  • Project options – additional buttons to set simulation start and end date
  • Calculation of the process-specific customer cycle using the local daily requirement quantity and the consumption quantity graph up to the customer
  • Calculation of the static stock range of a warehouse in the lead time curve using the local daily requirement quantity and the consumption quantity graph up to the customer
  • Remove Allow delay as parameter
  • Licensing mechanism – floating license
  • Delete button for edge on tablet
  • Change of order of alternatives
  • Alternative about “…” Duplicate Menu
  • Show print preview as a separate dialog
  • Remove Allow delay as parameter –> because of key figures
  • Add option for text formatting “bold” to text editor
  • Warehouse – integration of delay time before storage into static throughput time
  • Simulation parameters for random number stream in the simulation model [Frontend].
  • Display icon for alignment of the text module in the editor
  • Using the frontend with different license types
  • Enter the simulation duration directly, so that you do not have to calculate the end date manually
  • Export of statistics – single widget
  • Display a mini-overview of the diagram
  • Enable project export with photos
  • Move the Link Editor to Sidebar
  • Configure the number of decimal places for the temperature curve
  • Export a project only with selected alternatives
  • Export value stream model als vector graphic
  • Revision of the representation of object parameters: Columns of object parameter boxes can now be customized. In addition, table parameter values can be displayed in a separate display object (including link).
  • Revision of shift calendar: Introduction of a shift model so that only individual shifts can be edited and optionally assigned to individual days via checkbox. In addition, times spanning several days are now possible.
  • Maximum stock level for invnetory and supermarket in carriers per product: The stock level can now also be limited per product. In supermarkets, the maximum number of parts per product is now also physically converted (not only used for reorder levels).
  • Direct linking of processes for material flow: Push definitions are now also possible via uncontrolled processes (no FIFO line etc. in between necessary).
  • Production samples as order input (information flow) for processes: Definition of a sequence of product quantities or production times for products to be produced was made possible.
  • Decimal places for time parameters
  • Extension of note elements with optional labeling: Note objects no longer have names; a description text is optional
  • Export of a value stream alternative as image (.png)
  • Extension of the display of start and end time to weekdays: This makes it easier to synchronize/compare start/end and shift calendar entries
  • Additional dynamic key figures for waiting times for basic parts in processes: Both average waiting times and total waiting times for the last critical basic part were introduced.
  • Various improvements in app handling including (page) menu navigation
  • Enlarge the area in the modeling surface for dragging with the mouse: When dragging to the edge with the mouse pressed, automatic movement of the display area has now been made easier.
  • Added text description for edges
  • Adding additional anchor points for edges/edge layout
  • Text input field as additional object type
  • Tooltip for ring menu of objects in modeling surface
  • Default setting for parameter box display globally configurable
  • Edge docking points now only based on icons
  • New implementation of setup matrix functionality for processes
  • Extension of external transport parameters by (load carrier) capacity per transporter
  • Dynamic stock statistics for FIFO object and internal transport
  • Division of dynamic process status “Waiting” into waiting for parts and waiting for orders
  • Display of the simulation duration in the “Simulation Overview” area
  • Inventory check in the supermarket optionally also only after the inspection interval: (Parameter “Inspection interval reorder point”)
  • Possibility to allow local order start in processes even without available basic parts: (Parameter “Basic products in stock for order start”)

The following list contains all objects affected by the update: 

  • PPS
    • Extra lots
  • Supplier
    • Products
      • Packaging size
  • Process (Lead)
    • Products
      • Lotsize
      • Transfer quantity
      • Priority
    • Number of workers
  • Inventory
    • Products
      • Initial stock
      • Max. number carrier (product)
    • Max. number carrier (storage)
  • Inventory (Push)
    • Products
      • Transfer at num. Parts
  • FIFO
    • Max. number carrier
  • Supermarket
    • Products
      • Initial stock
      • Safety stock
      • Reorder level
      • Maximum stock
      • Max. number carrier (product)
    • Max. number carrier (storage)
  • Transport (internal)
    • Max. number carrier
  • Transport (external)
    • Number of Transporter
    • Max. number carrier per transport
  • Kanban
    • Products
      • Number of Kanban cards
      • Parts per card
      • Required base products
  • Foreign orders
    • Min. order quantity
  • Supplier (Push)
    • Products
      • Packaging size
      • Number Parts
  • OXOX
    • Production schedule
      • Quantity
  • Customer
    • Products
      • Quantity
      • Order lot size
  • Process (single)
    • Products
      • Lotsize
      • Transfer quantity
      • Priority
    • Number of workers
  • Process (multiple)
    • Products
      • Lotsize
      • Transfer quantity
      • Priority
    • Number of workers
    • Capacity
  • Process (Assembly)
    • Products
      • Lotsize
      • Transfer quantity
      • Priority
    • Number of workers
  • Process (Disassembly)
    • Bill of materials
      • Number created products (1:N)
      • Transfer quantity
    • Number of workers
  • Process (clocked)
    • Products
      • Lotsize
      • Priority
    • Number of workers
    • Capacity

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