SimVSM Services

Use the flexible structure of SimVSM

SimVSM Services

Use the flexible structure of SimVSM

We adapt SimVSM to your requirements!

The flexible structure of SimVSM allows the adaptation of the library with your objects as well as their graphic design as well as the connection to the simulation. You may also need a few more objects or other graphical expressions for your individual application of the app. In addition, the app can be used as a modeling interface for various other applications.

Example of adapting the app to other applications: Configuration of customer systems in sales

If you need an app for the quick creation of customer concepts in sales, we can take over the necessary objects as well as the functions for linking the objects into the app. At the press of a button, your sales representative can transfer the concepts created via a web service to your server or directly to a specific application, for example, to carry out a validity check or a price calculation and to return the information to the app.

If the customer concepts are e.g. For manufacturing, conveyor or packaging systems, so is a testing of the concept with a simulation possible. For this purpose, we can either link an already existing simulation application as a web service with the app or develop a suitable solution for you. As a result of the simulation, the sales employee receives the determined key figures of the plant, such as Throughput or cycle time sent directly to his mobile device and can speak on the spot with the customer about it.

We will be happy to advise you according to your requirements.

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